Somaliland National Human Rights Commission's Regional Coordination Office

The Regional Coordination Office of the Somaliland National Human Rights Commission (SLNHRC) plays a crucial role in maintaining and promoting human rights across the various regions of Somaliland. Its primary activities include:

  • Coordinating Relationships: The office acts as a liaison between the SLNHRC and regional entities, ensuring effective communication and collaboration.
  • Coordination Meetings: Regular meetings are organized to discuss and plan human rights initiatives, address regional issues, and share updates.
  • Monitoring Activities: The office conducts thorough monitoring of prisons, police stations, healthcare centers, and rehabilitation centers to ensure they adhere to human rights standards.
  • Complaint Collection: It serves as a point of contact for collecting complaints related to human rights violations, ensuring that these issues are documented and addressed.
  • Additional Activities: The office undertakes any other necessary activities to support and promote human rights within the regions.